About BarbraHudson.com

The purpose of this site?

This site is where I showcase my free-to-use projects.

It's my contribution to making the world a better place.

There is no advertising, no user-tracking, no registration, and no javascript.

How is this funded?

These projects, as well as the web hosting, are entirely funded by my old age pension.

It all started with lowvisioncomputing.com, my effort to bring assistive technology to low vision users like myself out of the dark ages of the previous century/

My being able to develop web sites is entirely due to to the principles I laid out at lowvisioncomputing.com.

Current and future work?

I am retired, and not interested in returning to working for any I.T. development company.

The I.T. work culture is just too dysfunctional.

I'm quite content with the idea of continuing to do volunteer work in my local community.

At some future date I might consider doing web development and hosting as a part-time "gig", but not for anyone whose goal is to make money running ads and/or selling crap.

Why not run ads to help pay for this?

Ads, and the pervasive surveillance culture that they enable, are what has led to the enshittification of the internet.

Look at search results today - they're garbage.

And the tracking of users from site to site is also terrible.

I won't be an enabler of this sort of practice. People are more than just "users" to be traded for profit.

What's your alternative?

Build stuff that has actual value.

We keep saying that "knowledge is power". but we don't act like it.

Which is better for the community, a site like lowvisioncomputing.com, that gives different ways that low vision users can dump stupid screen magnifiers and work like normal people again, or the spam sites that sell completely useless "digital magnifier headsets" for $8,000 a pop?

Or ahandup.org, looking for ways to avoid having people being made homeless in the first place, or all the whiners who claim "we need more social housing?" We don't have the resources to build enough social housing, so better to divert some people who are about to become homeless into eviction diversion programs.

People deserve better.

Other stuff

3/4 of the population doesn't keep a written budget.

56% of the population can't function at a grade 9 level of reading and math.

Don't ask them to use the "keep a record of your spending for the next 3 months" as part of the budgeting process. It doesn't work, and the 3 month delay means the bleeding continues for another season. It also embeds bad spending habits into any new budgeting process.

In the future, I'll be expanding on my "zero based budgeting" method, which is quick (a few hours at most), brutal, and effective. You'll be able to find it on ahadup.org some time in the fall of 2024.

Copyright © 2022, 2023 by Barbra Hudson.

Email: barbra@barbrahudson.com

You may freely use the ideas expressed on this site. You may NOT frame or copy any of the content for use on your own web site or other purposes without permission, except for short snippets for editorial review purposes, in which case you need to:

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